Optimize your productivity with our support services

Where high-level business management services meet streamlined execution to deliver your creative vision–every time.

Our Support Services Are Perfect for Those Who…


Losing sleep over trivial tasks and spending half of their day pulled in a million different directions.


Lacking consistency in their needle-moving tasks, and their business isn’t growing because of it.


Completely exhausted by their daily to-do list which inhibits them from taking the first step.

We’re a team of online business managers, systems strategists, and tech aficionados… basically, your ticket to getting more hours, organization, and brain space out of your everyday rhythm.

The Burnout Is Real.

It's a lot of work trying to keep up with a fast-paced, ever-changing industry.

Your inbox is filled to the brim with messages from clients, calendar invites, and systems notifications, and it’s stressing you out.

It’s isolating to own a business, especially being the driving creative force and the manager, and you really wish you had support and more time to spend on the creative aspects of the biz. 

Many systems out there offer cookie-cutter solutions that just aren’t suitable for what you’re looking for.

Online business management to put the modern creative visionary at ease.

Here's what should be at the top of your "needs" list.

The peace of mind of knowing your business needs are handled by a capable, seasoned, down-to-earth business management team that’s been there and gets it.

Time to reclaim your creative schedule (yay!) and get back to doing the daily tasks you love and heighten your craft.

A team of happy techies dedicated to supporting all day, every day–because you deserve it!

It’s about time you protect your vision, wow your clients, and free up time and space to create.

Introducing Our Support Services

We help you carry the weight of owning a business, and we love doing it.

Our support packages are based on your business size. When matching you with your perfect support package, we take into account your team size, number of offers, and marketing needs. Don’t worry, we’ll discuss all of this on our Consultation Call, and determine which one is best suited for you. Also, we’re systems people! So all of our packages include system builds within their management. 

Choose your support package

The Big Picture

Starting at $3,000/month 

The one where Taylor manages, strategizes and consults - all the things.

Hire our founder, Taylor, as your daily OBM on retainer. This is perfect for entrepreneurs with multiple offers, many departments, or lots of operational/content needs. Taylor’s a pro, and she’ll guide you through our oh-so-helpful systems, their implementation, and business management.

Trust Taylor to set up a full and robust system for task tracking, communication, delegation, and overall organizational structure. This service often includes a personalized ClickUp system setup plus integrations with other systems in your business, generally a Slack biz hub, too.

tailored to your business, but can include:

  • Done-for-you business management, project management, and implementation.
  • Business strategy, systems building, and SOP creation.
  • High-level sales and operations strategy.
  • Client retention through an elevated client experience.
  • Sales/email funnels strategy and implementation.
  • Team building and management.
  • Content management (Taylor’s specialty!).

Add Launch Planning + Management

The Daily Details

Starting at $2,200/month

The one where Michelle manages (and Taylor consults).

Get TM+Co support on the daily. This service is perfect for those who have already had Taylor set up their systems and processes, and now that things are running smoothly, our awesome Account Manager Michelle will take over to manage. This also works well for those who are just getting started with us and need systems set up but would prefer to do so one at a time, (which we’re happy to do).

Businesses with this type of support don't have as many moving pieces in their business but are still looking for someone to manage their business and support tasks. You’ll be surprised at how relieving it is to have an account manager at your side to manage the day-to-day of your business–not to mention the accountability we provide, too.

tailored to your business, but can include:

  • Done-for-you business management, project management, and implementation.
  • Business strategy, systems building, and SOP creation.
  • Sales/email funnels strategy and implementation.
  • Team building and management.
  • Content management 

Just Give Me The Assistance

Starting at $1,400/month 

The one where Michelle keeps things moving and grooving.

You know you need some management help, but you’re not anticipating any great change or transition on the horizon for your business. This package is designed to keep things running smoothly as is–no system setups or consultation with Taylor. You’ll still have a dedicated account manager for light management of delegation and accountability, with 2-3 check-in calls throughout the week.

This service is often used for light content or ops management, ensuring things are moving as they should. It’s important to note that this service is not used for accountability or long-term planning, just to maintain what you currently have on your plate.

tailored to your business, but can include:

  • General administrative support.
  • Email and calendar management.
  • Social media support.
  • Miscellaneous writing or design tasks.
  • Client management support.
  • Any non-revenue producing task that needs to be done (you just don’t have the time!).

Our VA’s Are Here for You

Virtual Assistance is worth the hype, as it opens up your schedule to focus on the things you love. A few of our specialties worth noting…

General Admin

Client Communications

Inbox Management & Organization

Community & Memberships 

Email Marketing

Calendar + Meetings

Showit Web Design

Graphic Design

Transcription & Captions


Photoshoot Culling

Social Media Graphics & Scheduling

and so much more...

growth periods—

Management Intensive

The one where TM+Co helps you get on your feet.

Growth Periods are a necessary first step to working together. These intensives are critical, as they give you and your team the clarity necessary to build that strong foundation for your biz to thrive. We span this out over our first three months of working together so we can fully understand the needs of your business and set you up for a sustainable future.

Here, we’ll lay the foundation for your current needs as well as strategize for future growth, like project management, launch planning, new offers, course builds–you get the idea. Together, we’ll craft a system that works for you and your team in these busy months. Even if you already have systems in place, we’ll audit them to ensure they’re working for you.

additional info to keep in mind:

  • This is a requirement for all new clients, but can be added on for existing clients who have more project planning or launch needs.
  • Growth Periods can also be added to any support package.
  • These are designed for you to level-up your retainers on a short-term basis, as your business adapts and grows.
  • Some projects may require a larger Growth Period or package, simply due to the scope of the work.

the top systems we use & recommend:

  • Google Workspace (Gmail, Google Drive)
  • ClickUp
  • Airtable
  • Dubsado
  • Zapier
  • Slack

investment: $1,800 / 3-month period

Blogging Add-Ons

Struggling for content? these add-ons can help lighten the workload.

content repurposing

content writing

The one where we provide that creative support by utilizing your existing content

Loads of content sitting on the sidelines? We’ll take a piece of your content (FB/IG Lives, podcast, masterclass, coaching calls, YouTube videos—you name it!) and turn it into a blog, social media captions, and/or newsletter to promote it to your email list. We’ll also upload it to your website in a branded blog template, too. Our talented writer will capture your voice and personality, allowing you to add more content to your roster for your people to love.

content repurposing

content writing

The one where we type up a storm (and make Google happy).

We get it. Creating your own content for your business takes a lot of time–time you don’t have. Hand us the pen (or in this case, keyboard). If you have a topic already in mind, send it to us, and we’ll research and write it. What’s more, we’ll craft an SEO-optimized blog post to establish authority in your niche, and make Google happy by posting new content consistently. With our team’s creative background, we enjoy writing blogs for those in the wedding industry. We looove telling wedding stories through the lens of planning and photography! 

Kind Words

The best part about outsourcing to TM+Co has been trusting that everything is handled so I don’t need to be online and available as much. They not only TOOK over all of my current business admin tasks, they found ways to make my processes more efficient and effective! 

-Rachael, Photographer

Having a team in my corner helped me overcome the imposter syndrome that can strike at any moment as a solopreneur. It was huge to have a support staff not just for me, but for my clients as well. Taylor's presence made me feel like I had a bonafide operation behind me. 

-Olivia, Copywriter

A's to Your Q's

Absolutely. If you’d like to add time to your support package, just let us know, and we’ll update your next month’s hours based on our current availability. We're here for you!

Slack & ClickUp! For support clients, we’ll set you up with your own business workspaces for everyone to communicate through. For system clients, you’ll be added to our TM+Co Slack workspaces for communication. Please note, monthly video call check-ins are by appointment only and should be scheduled in advance.

Honestly… it depends. The truth is, some businesses need more robust systems than others. When we hop on a call, we’ll determine the best systems needed for your business. Once we’re working together, we’ll create a customized plan (and timeline) for building your systems. 

If you need all the systems and help, we got you. Fill out our application form and add that you’re also looking for a Dubsado setup. We’ll let you know the best action plan for your particular needs and timeline, and get the process started. Typically, we usually like to set up your CRM system at the beginning, so we can build out the rest of your business system needs once that foundation has been laid.

Ready to Reach Out?

Just imagine working fewer admin hours so you can spend time on your craft – your sweet spot. 

Sounds good, right?

How to Determine if You're Ready

01. You’re Ready to Invest

Yes, hiring an OBM/VA is an investment, but a worthwhile investment. If you’re looking to take that first step to hiring support, it’s important to understand the value of what we offer.

02. You’re Ready to Grow

Hitting a cap on your income? The beauty of our work is that it frees you up to focus on scaling your biz and building up that revenue. With our help, we’ll help you scale and hit those metrics.

03. You’re Overwhelmed

Business overwhelm can now be a thing of the past! These services are for those who have hit their limit and recognize the power of bringing in that much-needed support. 

04. You’re Seeking Accountability

If you’re in need of an accountability partner, TM+Co is here to keep you on track. We work hard to remove distractions and help you focus on those big goals of yours, so nothing gets left behind. 

Looking to Upgrade Your Client Experience?

Systems setups are kind of our thing–think Dubsado and ClickUp.

optional add-on: launch planning & management

We’re no full-on social media management company, but we do have the expertise to help you plan and execute your launch. In fact, it’s a big passion of ours. If you’re looking to outsource all of your social media content, you may need to hire a contractor, but we can plan and execute your launch in addition to your daily ops as part of a Growth Period. Let us know if you’re interested in exploring this add-on, and we can chat things through.

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