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There comes a time when outsourcing becomes a common word for every solopreneur. If you’ve found yourself in the awkward space of having too much work to complete and not enough hours in the day to finish, it may be time for you to consider outsourcing!
Outsourcing is one of the most exciting activities for a business owner. It’s exhilarating to bring someone new to your team and grow your business together! But when you don’t know where to start, a lot of that fun turns into fear (and it can turn into fear fast!).
So, if not knowing when, what, or how to outsource is a problem you’re facing right now, you certainly aren’t alone. There’s A LOT to learn about outsourcing – especially if your business growth has been quicker than expected. With mixed information flying at you left and right, let’s take a moment now to pause and actually understand why outsourcing is going to be your favourite thing as a business owner (trust us here). Read on to learn when to start outsourcing and why it will be awesome for business.
If you know you need to add organization and an automated workflow to your recurring tasks, here are some of our best tips on where to start.
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Why You Should Outsource
But first, why outsourcing? What are the benefits of outsourcing?
Not to sound too biased, but there are endless reasons why outsourcing is beneficial for your business. But for the sake of clarity, we’ll highlight three awesome reasons why you should be outsourcing.
1. Outsourcing is key for focusing on what you do best.
No one wants to be bogged down with tasks that they don’t know how to do or that just doesn’t excite them. Your business should be filled with all of the good things that make you happy to wake up in the morning. They certainly shouldn’t be the tasks that have you dreading the day. (Or worse…wanting to return to a 9-5 job.) So, outsourcing is there to help you focus on what you love to do and to be able to hand off the not-so-fun tasks to someone who will love it.
2. Outsourcing provides you with the opportunity to build your business and grow.
That’s everyone’s end goal, isn’t it? Business growth isn’t possible when you’re weighed down by all the tasks that don’t fill your bucket. This is exactly why outsourcing can swoop in to save the day. Every business owner needs space to not only come up with new creative ideas but also the capacity to implement them.
3. Outsourcing is beneficial for your clients too!
Who doesn’t love a good win-win situation? When you outsource, your clients get more undivided attention from you. Since you aren’t being pulled in a million different directions, you’re able to focus on what’s most important – them! This leads to better client experiences and more opportunities to increase your income.
When to Outsource
Now, it’s one thing to understand why you should outsource, but how are you supposed to know when the time is right? While we wish all business owners could receive a customized email announcing, “Now is THE time for you to outsource!”, the world doesn’t work so easily. So, here are 5 ways to know it’s time to bite the bullet and make this decision:
1. If overwhelm has become your best friend, it’s probably time to outsource.
If you’re overwhelmed with all the tasks you have to complete (without even taking into account your client/profit-generating tasks!), then it’s time to ask for help. Outsourcing can save you from being bogged down with backend and admin tasks that stop you from making progress. This leads us to …
2. It’s time to outsource if you don’t have the time to focus on building your business.
If you’re currently just hopping from one task to another, just maintaining but with no real progress being made, it’s time to outsource. Ever heard the saying one step forward, two steps back? Well, that’s pretty much how building a business goes without the right help.
3. Your to-do list is a mile long.
If you visibly cringed at this one, you really need to consider outsourcing. Ask what tasks on your list can be cut and passed on to someone who can excel in that area. Even if it may be hard to let go of those tasks at first, there’s a reason they aren’t getting finished, right?
4. You find yourself procrastinating on the same tasks all the time.
Yep, that’s a big one. This is most likely why that to-do list is a mile long. Procrastination is in a constant battle with overwhelm for the spot of biz enemy number one. So, if you’ve been putting off some tasks for far too long, it’s likely that you’ll never get to them and should consider outsourcing.
5. You’ve always wanted a certain aspect of your business to be of a better quality.
Maybe it’s your workflows or maybe you hate the way your blog reads & looks. If there’s any aspect of your business that you wish was of a higher standard or of better quality, it’s time to outsource to make your wish come true! Leave things to the pros and let them work their magic.

What to Outsource
Are you convinced yet that outsourcing is one of the most awesome things a business owner can do? While we won’t pull out the confetti poppers quite yet, we will fill you in on some of the tasks you might now be itching to outsource. Ready for this?
The top tasks to outsource as a business owner are ANY ones that take up your mental space and aren’t necessarily generating profit.
After that, we have tasks that aren’t in your zone of genius. Think of the project you’ve been longing to tackle but just haven’t had the ability to try. That’s where outsourcing to a specialist comes into play (and there are specialists for just about any area you can think of!).
Next, there are the recurring tasks that YOU don’t HAVE to do. I mean, of course they have to get done, they just don’t have to get done by you. Think administrative tasks.
And, finally, we have tasks that take you longer than they should. This is most likely something out of your zone of genius or just something you’re dragging out because your head just isn’t in it.
Understanding why, when, and what to outsource is key to lightening your business load as well as bringing back the fun into your business! While it may be a little intimidating at first, connecting with the right person is key to making outsourcing as easy-breezy as possible.
In fact, if you’re looking for a team of highly qualified VAs, here at Taylor Monroe + Co, our team of VAs and managers will ensure that the tasks you need to complete are taken off your plate and handled with extra care. From planning your business strategies and projects, to Pinterest and content writing, to social media implementation, we’ve got you covered!
If you’re looking for extra support so you can scale your business, reach out today! Our team is ready to help you with all of your business and content needs.
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